Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Do I Need It?

Methanol is an alcohol, but not the kind you drink! It's more useful than that. Methanol is a solvent, making it the perfect antifreeze. Use a little of this is the wintertime to help keep your pipes from freezing! Or use some to clean your car's windsheild when those nasty birds come back for the spring and leave their business everywhere! Love to spend time outside? Methanol burns well in an unpressurized burner, making it ideal for makeshift alcohol stoves! Drive a big car, such as a monster truck or another vehicle with internal combustion engines? Methanol is your fuel of choice! In fact, most series require methanol to fuel the cars in their races! And even if you just wanna make some new chemicals, methanol is a handy reactant when making plastic, plywood, paints, explosives, and textiles.


  1. 1. I love the overall appearance of the blog. It is simple so the background and layout is easy to read without being distracting.
    2. The molecular structure is correct, for that is the correct way to draw CH3OH. I also liked how the molecule pictures were hand drawn.
    3. The polarity of the molecule is correct, for CH3OH is polar because the O is more negative than the rest of the molecule.
    4. The two forces of attraction that are listed are correct, but you forgot Dipole-Dipole which are exhibited on all polar molecules like CH3OH.
    5. I enjoyed the ad, it was very persuasive and made me want to buy some methanol.

  2. this blog is nicely done and well put together
    1. The molecular structure image that you drew accurately shows the shape of the molecules and the lewis structure. I thought that it was extremely impressive that you hand drew the images instead of finding them on the computer.
    2. The information in the blog is accurate for the most part, the polarity of the molecule and bonds are correct. The two forces of attraction are correct except dipole-dipole is missing.
    3. The add at the beginning of the blog is extremely persuasive and the picture is a very nice touch.
